2009년 4월 20일 월요일

3rd week, April 3.Kimchi Fried rice
Yesterday, I cooked Kimchi fried rice for a long time, it was fantastical. From old times, I used to cook for my friends when they come to my home. Since that time, I should often cook Kimchi fried rice, so I did not make Kimchi fried rice for a quite time. For the friends who want my Kimchi fried rice, I plan to write the recipe.
The ingredients that are necessary are Kimchi (3/4 rice bowl), an egg, and rice (3/4 rice bowl). Other ingredients are carrot (1/4), onion (1/2) and ham or tuna (1/2). And if you want, other vegetables, seaweed and cheese is good, too.
At first, chop all the ingredients. And then, put oil on pan. Put the Kimchi and parch it. After that, put tuna or ham and parch it. And put carrot, onion and the others and parch it again. Later, put an egg. After the egg is done, put the rice and parch it. Cheese and seaweed is last one.
It will be not good at first, I wish you try to often cook.
3rd week, April 2.If the electricity is cut off eternally in the whole world…
No light, it is unimaginable. When the electricity is cut off at night, we can’t do anything except to sleep. And we can’t see anything without candle. In this time, we should lean on candle. In the bathroom, it’s more inconvenient. Because it is easily out by humidity, it makes us hard to wash. Also, we can’t use TV, computer, refrigerator, phone, and so on. It’s terrible. In the public facilities and buildings, the problem is serious. As previously stated, we can’t use the computers. It means collapse of information communication. And we can’t work without computer. The problem is not only it. Elevators are stop, machines are stop. Especially, the damage of hospital is big. If there is no electricity, the serious cases will die. If the medical machinery is stop, they can’t live any more. Also, operating room is danger. How they go on the operation?Without electricity, we won’t work well. Maybe the whole world will be confused.

Blood type and character

3rd week, April 1.Blood type and character
In Japan, someone who study blood type said the blood type have an effect on people’s character. And he tested with children. One TV station in Japan broadcasted the test. Few days ago, I watched the test video in my school.
The way to test: Children are in a kindergarten, each classroom. Children in each classroom are same blood type. At first, a principal in the kindergarten places one vase and say the vase is very important thing for her. After she goes out, their teacher come in the classroom and breaks the vase.
-A type: When the teacher touches the vase, they shout and say “Don’t touch! Ah~~~” After the teacher breaks it, they criticize her. The teacher asks them to do not say anything to principal, they say no. And they tell principal.
-B type: When the teacher touches the vase, they say that it’s important thing. After she break it, they are little unconcerned with it. She asks them to do not say anything. They really don’t say and defend her.
-O type: When the teacher touches the vase, they are little concerned. But they play with toys and run. After she breaks the vase, they immediately go out to tell the principal without the time to stop them.
-AB type: They are unconcerned with her and play each other. One child abruptly says to her “I’m lonely.” After she breaks the vase, they have no reaction. She asks them to do not say anything, they say yes. But as soon as the principal come in, they tell her.
2nd week, April 3.The Antarctica and the Arctic

The Antarctica and the Arctic, both are well known for cold area. There are not so many animals as other places because of low temperature. There also have spring or summer, but it is not warm like spring in Korea. Though it is summer, there is very cold. Most of the people who live in there is researchers who study about the Antarctic or the Arctic.

The Antarctic is located in the south of the Earth. This is the coldest place in the world. There are no residents, just some researchers in the Antarctic. Even the temperature of summer is a sub-zero temperature in there. The Antarctic is continent, there is very wide. Though the Antarctic is so wide, there are just penguins. There are no other animals. Penguins are owners of the Antarctic.

On the other hands, some people live in the Arctic. Also, there are some kinds of animals in the arctic; penguins, polar bears, arctic foxes and so on. The temperature of the Arctic is higher than the temperature of the Antarctic. Arctic is not a continent, it is a thick ice plate.

2009년 4월 17일 금요일


2nd week 2. Peru
Peru is a nation on the Coast,in central part of South America. In the 15th century, there was not only the place where the Inca Empire was found, also there was a center of the Incan Civilization. In particular, the Civilization had has good skills in construction, city planning, medicine, and so on. So Machu Picchu, one of the ancient relic in Peru, is famous for its construction skill and enchanting view. Peru is the only country having ancient cultural heritage in South America, so there is popular for tourists, and there has high historical value.
Many tourists are also attracted by one religious event which is handed down from Inca period. Peru is famed for having variety food culture, there has much worldwide renowned food.

Peru was under the control of Espana since 1532, during about 300 years, so several human races is mixed. A half of them are Central American Indians, they mainly lives in the mountainous district of the Andes or near the Titicaca lake. Most of the poor in Peru are them. A gap between rich and poor widens between human races. It is a big problem in Peru.

2009년 4월 16일 목요일

The Mauritius

2rd, April 1. The Mauritius

The Mauritius is an island country where is in southwestern of the Indian Ocean. The Mauritius is a volcanic island, it is surrounded by coral reefs. It is so beautiful, a lot of tourists visit there. So the sites of superb scenic beauty promoted the development of tourism industry in the Mauritius. There is a subtropical oceanic climate. During the rainy season, cyclones sometimes inflict damage to many people. In this time, even tourists cease to visit. It makes a blow of cyclone economically bigger and bigger. The rainy season is long, it is from December to June and August. There has only two season - hot season and cold season. In the Mauritius, people speak English, some people travel there for tourism and studying English.

2009년 4월 14일 화요일

Helpful plants for our

1st week, April 3.Helpful plants for our
Plants have existed with us for a long time. Plants in gardens,parks and home have been grow anywhere. Especially many helpful plants are being grow at home. Sansevieria is well known for air purification, and it is easy to grow. In addition to it, Benjamin, Rhapis flabelliformis, Hedera(Hedera English ivy), and so on is also good at air purification. Palm is grown instead of a humidifier. It is better than real humidifier because Palm don't have trouble, and it doesn't need to wash fur(물때) out. Herb is too variety, the smell and effects are too many to enumerate. For instance, Vicks plant(Plectranthus Vicks plant) looks like a rose, it smells like a mint. Lavender is grown by many people, it is fairly common. It has wide usage. Many sorts of mint(apple mint, peppermint, lemon mint, spearmint...) and rosemary are good for improvement of power of concentration. It is useful to students who lack concentration.
These plants would give you lots of helps. If you grow the plants with affection, the plants will give you more and more.

2009년 4월 13일 월요일


1st week, April 2. Diets

Weight control is one reason of being under stress for women, besides, most of the women think that they are fat (even if other people do not think so), and they want to lose weight. This called for a variety of ways to lose weight.

Chicken breasts diet and Egg whites diets. As seen in the name, these ways of diet is to eat mainly chicken breasts and egg whites and no high calorie food. These eating diets are too many. There are steamed potato diet, Sweet potato diet, tomato diet, powder of roast grain diet, cucumber diet, carrot diet, and so on. Points of sameness are to eat fixed quantity at regular time, to eat substantially at morning and to eat a little at night and do not eat anything without water after P.M.6:00. The problem is these diets is usually not well-balanced meal. In the longer run, well-balanced meal is more effective and good for health.

The best way is doing exercise. Regular eating habits and exercise is the very diet that is healthy.

2009년 4월 9일 목요일

Making cookie

1st week,Aprill 1. Making cookie
Few days ago, I made cookies with Karen in her home. I taught her how to bake cookies because her mother's birthday was after few days from the day. Unfortunately, the first trial was a failure due to lack of sugar. I succeeded to bake cookies at the second. The way to bake a cookie is so easy, everyone can do it. Also, it doesn't need oven to bake a cookie, just need a microwave oven.

The ingredients are a cup of flour, two spoons of chocolate powder, two spoons of sugar, a yolk of an egg and butter 150g. First, mix sugar, butter and the yolk of an egg in a bowl until stiff. Then, pour chocolate powder and flour. And knead it. Next, roll the dough flat about 0.5mm and stamp it with a cookie cutter or small glass. After that, put it in a refrigerator for 15~20 minutes. After 20 minutes, just drop it in your microwave and heat it for 1 minute 30 seconds. It will be hot. While you let it cool, make from the chocolate powder what was left and hot water into chocolate syrup. If the cookie is cool off, decorate the cookie with the chocolate syrup.

2009년 4월 7일 화요일


4th week, March 3. Eileen

My friend Eileen is seated nest to me. She always study hard and she is too quiet during a class. Recently she memorizes English vocabulary so hard. It should seem because of Park teacher, but she may dislike him because the vocabulary is too many (there is an indication of it).
She is haughty. In particular, she is often expressionless. It makes her more haughty. She is good at playing 'Go-stop'. Go-stop is a kind of Korean card game. I could know how good is Eileen at playing Go-stop when I went on last school excursion. She just play with a strong will. In contrast with her haughty attitude, she is bizarrerie-seeking and funny girl. I can't keep back my laughter when I have a talk with her. She wears clothes and make-up good, her style of dressing is also good.

2009년 3월 30일 월요일

Winnie the Pooh

4th week,March 2.Winnie the Pooh

Winnie the Pooh is a bear character created by A.A.Milne in the 1920's. Pooh is a bear of very little brain who likes eating honey. Pooh has some friends; Piglet, Eeyore, Rabbit, Tigger, Owl and Cristopher Robin. Piglet is his best friend, but Piglet is timid. Cristopher Robin is the name of Milne's son. Tigger, Piglet, and Eeyore were also the toy of Milne's son.

In 1929, Milne sold the merchandising right for the Pooh character to Stephen Slesinger who is an American. After he died, his wife sold it to Walt Disney productions in 1961. Disney turned it into a highly successful cartoon series. In 1977, Disney added a new character, Gopher, into the Winnie the Pooh stories. The popularity of Pooh and his friends is so great. Many people like them very much until nowadays.

2009년 3월 29일 일요일

So-mang Go, my friend

4th week, 1.So-mang Go, my friend

So mang is my good friend. Her name, So Mang, means a wish. It is so beautiful name. We entered DKIS on the same day, so we can be familiar with each other more easily. She is very tall and kind friend. 5 days ago, she was on a diet, but she gave up now. A diet is so difficult thing for her, because she likes to eat too much. She is very good at Chinese. She took a HSK, 9th level. It is result of her effort, she always studied Chinese. She is also good at drawing cartoons, the characters she draw is very realistic, funny and cute. Once her dream was cartoonist. She has one sister, she is 19 years old. I'm familiar with her, too. Her name is Hui(Hee)-mang Go, it means a hope. It is really worthy of sisters. She lives in Jin Zhou, Dalian with her mother and her sister. Her father is in Korea.

Ye-en Hwang, my friend

3rd week, 3. Ye-en Hwang, my friend

Ye-en is my friend who is familiar with me. Her English name is May. We are the students of the science department. There are only 8 student, only 3 girls. So we takes same classes, we are good friend who are always seen together. After school, supplementary lessons are also same each other. After that, we always study by oneself in the school at night. This schedule and math academy where we go also same.

She is a girl who is talkative and active, but she think she is a reserved girl by herself. She has one elder brother and one sister, her brother is older than her as many as 13 years. When I know her brother's age, I was very surprised. I didn't even know she has an elder brother before the time. Her sister is 20 years old, she also goes to same school with us. I met her and her sister on school bus everyday morning. She enjoy reading mystery stories and watching horror movies. I don't like to watch horror movies, but our tastes are almost same. Many friends and teachers often say " There is something that resembles between you people". At first, we didn't agree with this. As time goes on, however, it is seems to be right.

2009년 3월 23일 월요일

Sign Language

3rd week,March

2. Sign Language

Sign language is used by deaf people. Since they can't hear, and many of them can't speak, they need the sign language. They use hand, arm, and face signals. It is not just deaf people who learn sign language. People who have a deaf relative, people who work with the deaf people and people who want to support the deaf people also learn sign language. But it is very difficult to learn. Some people think that sign language is similar to general language, but this is not true. Also, some people think that deaf people everywhere in the world use the same sign language, it is not true as well. Sign languages are very different from country to country.


3rd week,March
1. Jazz
African slave workers in the 1800's sang songs and spirituals (religious songs), these African songs were mixed whit the European songs of the slave owners. This mixing music was the beginning of today's jazz music. Jazz music is various, by the 1940's there were many different types of jazz music, including bop, traditional swing, Dixieland, and Latin-influenced jazz. It became a big business and in the mid 1940's, it was at its height of popularity. Jazz has many forms, and there are still new ones being made, it combines hip-hop, soul, funk elements with jazz. Jazz has a great mixture of rhythm and beat, it always be popular.

2009년 3월 13일 금요일

The waste in outer space

2nd week, march 1.The waste in outer space

There is much waste in outer space, the waste is broken pieces of the objects people launched. These broken pieces make the space dirty. Also these broken pieces are so danger. Recently, The ISS(International Space Station) was nearly bumped against a broken pieces in the space. At that time, there were three people and they escaped to a capsule. In the worst case, however, they may be dead. The broken piece was small, but the piece orbited at 8km/s, it could make a hole on the body of the ISS. Some scientists say because of satellites which each countries were launched, 'The war of satellite waste' is arising. Most of the broken pieces in the space are dumped satellites or parts of the satellites. Sometimes, own body of a space station became a huge waste. The Mir, a space station before the ISS at present, was buried at the south Pacific after using for 15 years. The first space station 'Skylab' was dumped, too.

We are making the space to a dumping place. But the way to disuse space waste is not founded yet. It is a big problem for us. How do we resolve this problem?

2009년 3월 11일 수요일


At last I succeeded to make a blog!

In my home, the Internet is terribly slow. Besides today I was very busy because of lessons and self-teaching. When I came back home, it was already 11:30, so I'm so tired very much.

The reason why I made the blog is my elective writing teacher. He made me to make a blog for homework; write more than 3 journals in a week. Ah, common writing teacher wanted to make a blog,too.

It's 1 o'clock now!

I have to do another homework! When I can get to sleep??

help me..........!


2009.03.12 AM00:34 춥다 기분안좋음

..........나름대로 일기라고 해야되나;;;
ㅜㅜ 오늘따라 컴퓨터가 늘리게 뭐람,
웬만하면 빨리 블로그 만들어서 블로그 주소 가르쳐줘야되는데
잘안돼서 짜증나서 컴퓨터 부술뻔 했네
에휴 피곤해죽겠는데 컴퓨터 까지 말썽이야-3-

그래도 처음으로 블로그라는것도 만들어보게 되다니!!
컴맹인 나에게는 꿈같은 일이로구만ㅋㅋ

아아 피곤해 죽겠다 빨리 자야지.숙제로 하나 올리고 자야되나??ㅜㅜ
영어는 별론데...ㅜ