2009년 4월 13일 월요일


1st week, April 2. Diets

Weight control is one reason of being under stress for women, besides, most of the women think that they are fat (even if other people do not think so), and they want to lose weight. This called for a variety of ways to lose weight.

Chicken breasts diet and Egg whites diets. As seen in the name, these ways of diet is to eat mainly chicken breasts and egg whites and no high calorie food. These eating diets are too many. There are steamed potato diet, Sweet potato diet, tomato diet, powder of roast grain diet, cucumber diet, carrot diet, and so on. Points of sameness are to eat fixed quantity at regular time, to eat substantially at morning and to eat a little at night and do not eat anything without water after P.M.6:00. The problem is these diets is usually not well-balanced meal. In the longer run, well-balanced meal is more effective and good for health.

The best way is doing exercise. Regular eating habits and exercise is the very diet that is healthy.

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